Just got my copy of E-Learning Uncovered: Articulate Studio '09 - I've included a direct link to the book on Amazon's website. If you are new to Articulate Studio, you will love this book. It contains step-by-step instructions along with great tips. If you already use Articulate Studio, you will still find good information including timesaver shortcuts and special information for getting more from the software. The accompanying website has a good resource page: http://www.e-learninguncovered.com/resources.html. The page includes guides for the color schemes and a football game (free) created using Quizmaker.
There are also resources for another book from the same publisher - E-Learning Uncovered: From Concept to Execution. http://www.e-learninguncovered.com/c2e.html has forms, checklists and a sample chapter from the book.