I attended the WEN 2013 Biennial Conference, April 3 - 5, 2013 at the Westin Memorial City Hotel in Houston Texas. Overall, it was one of the best conferences I have attended in years – lots of good information and sharing of ideas.
About WEN: WEN was founded in 1994 by Karyl McCurdy Lawson with the purpose of fostering the development and advancement of women in energy by developing a strong network. After years of being the sole woman on energy transactions, Karyl believed that many women energy professionals were in the same position, but unable to connect with each other. Sixteen years later, WEN remains committed to providing high caliber events and networking to its diverse membership from across the energy value chain. http://www.womensenergynetwork.org/ama/orig/WEN_Fact_Sheet_v5_10.2012.pdf
Keynote Speaker for Thursday was Katty Kay, the lead anchor of BBC World News America. Womenomics, a book written by Kay and ABC News' Good Morning America senior national correspondent Claire Shipman explores the redefinition of success for working women based on recent trends of the value of women to the business world.
Keynote Speaker for Friday was Lynn Elsenhans - Former CEO & Chairperson – Sunoco and EVP Global Manufacturing, President Shell Oil Company, President Shell Oil Products.
Here’s a list of articles and resources I gathered from the conference:
Video series on the future of energy and current energy issues : http://www.rationalmiddle.com/
What Is Fracking? This Animation Is The Best Guide We've Seen Yet: http://www.businessinsider.com/marathon-oil-animation-on-hydraulic-fracking-2012-8
Products made from a barrel of oil: http://energy.gov/articles/hows-and-whys-replacing-whole-barrel
Interesting report on crude oil (Texas): http://www.window.state.tx.us/specialrpt/energy/nonrenewable/crude.php
What Are The Top Five Facts Everyone Should Know About Oil Exploration: http://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2013/04/03/what-are-the-top-five-facts-everyone-should-know-about-oil-exploration/
Energy Outlook 2030 : http://www.bp.com/extendedsectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9048887&contentId=7082549
2013 Wasterwater training course: http://www.pe.tamu.edu/gpri-new/home/index.htm
Virtual Rig Simulation: http://www.efdvirtualsite.org/
Chemical Disclosure database: http://fracfocus.org/
Animation of Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY34PQUiwOQ&feature=youtu.be