Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Introducing Acrobat X Actions - Wed, Jan 19, 2011

In this eSeminar, you'll learn how to use the Action Wizard, one of the new productivity-enhancing features in Acrobat X. Action Wizard lets you easily automate routine, multi-step tasks and then apply the action to a single PDF or batches of files. Learn how to:
  • Create, manage and execute the new Actions capability in Acrobat X
  • Use the Action Wizard to automate routine tasks and increase productivity




Monday, January 3, 2011

Developing the "Next" Generation of Leaders

Houston ASTD Jan Event:  In 2014 Generation Y will Grow from 25% of the current Workforce Worldwide to 47%.  Will You and Your Organization Be Ready?  As their numbers almost double in the next five years, what will Generation Y's effect on the WorkPlace be? Find out more in this fascinating 1/2 day Professional Development event!
Nicole Lipkin, PsyD, MBA President
Equilibria Coaching and Consulting Services

Wednesday, January 12,2011 8:00 AM to Wednesday, January 12,2011 11:30 AM