Wednesday, October 19, 2011

16 Free Tools to Create Media for Learning

October 26th, 1:00pm ET
Space is Limited
Reserve Your Webinar Seat Now At:

As a training developer, you're no stranger to budget cuts. Companies everywhere are turning to e-learning and mobile learning as a solution to improve performance while cutting costs. But how do you create engaging, high-quality content for your online training courses? How can you make simple adjustments to images and recordings without having to spend thousands of dollars on a suite of products?

In this complimentary webinar, learn about 16 different free tools that can help you with your media creation and revision. Edit videos and vector graphics, mix audio tracks, sharpen your images, and record tutorials; all without spending a dime. Tools covered will include:

• JayCut
• Video Spin
• The Aviary Suite of Tools
• Audacity
• Jing
• Kuler
• Inkscape
• More

The presenter will show all 16 tools and give a brief description on how they can be leveraged to create professional-quality assets for your online training courses.