Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tom Peters - Best of Excellence. Now Presentations

Tom Peters has distilled down thousands of slides from over 2,500 presentations that he has done on organizational and personal excellence into 23 separate presentations that you can download.

Peters say, “Use this material as you wish and please 'steal' all you want.” Includes both a PDF and PPT - he is releasing one a week so you'll want to bookmark the site and go back!

Check it out:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Free Webinar: Designing Instructionally Sound and Engaging mLearning

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 | 10:00AM Pacific Time
 Free Webinar, Membership Not Required
This webinar showcases one of the most popular, best-rated sessions from mLearnCon 2011 Conference & Expo, newly updated and now available to all through this special online presentation.

It is clear that mLearning presents a unique challenge for instructional designers. In this free one-hour webinar, Curtis Burchett will discuss instructional design changes in the new mobile learning area, explain the challenges instructional designers face, and provide a methodology for instructional designers to organize and create successful mLearning products. By the end of the session, you should be able to successfully design instructionally sound and engaging mLearning projects.

In this session, you will learn:
  • What technologies you can leverage to create mLearning projects
  • The evolution of instructional design in mLearning
  • How mLearning projects differ from traditional Web-based or instructor-led training
  • A methodology to organize and create successful mLearning products
Check it out:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Free Social Media Infographic Generator

What About Me? is a free social media infographic generator from Intel. The purpose of What About Me? is to create infographics based on your Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube activities.

The infographic created includes parts of your recent Facebook posts, when and what you post about on all three networks, and What About Me? even evaluates the average tone of your messages. When your infographic is complete, you can download it from What About Me?
Check it out: